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Father and Son scrap

Father and Son

  • Author(s)

    Han seung-won한승원

  • Translator(s)

  • Publisher

    Homa & Sekey BooksHoma & Sekey Books

  • Country


  • Language


  • Year Published


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Description 작품 소개

Father and Son focuses on the age-old struggle between the generations within the context of modern industrialization and the battle for democratic freedoms in Korea. In this novel, Chu-ch'ol, a successful poet-publisher, is tormented by his son's antigovernment activities and lack of filial respect, by the cynical questioning of a cousin-turned-government agent, and, not least, by his own guilty conscience. Through Chu-ch'ol and his extended family, the author explores the role of the intellectual in modern Korean society and the changing face of the Korean family as tradition gives way to economic growth and social upheaval. Reference : Homa & Sekey Books. "Father and Son", accessed 31 Oct 2023.

Author Bio 작가 소개

Father and Son focuses on the age-old struggle between the generations within the context of modern industrialization and the battle for democratic freedoms in Korea. In this novel, Chu-ch'ol, a successful poet-publisher, is tormented by his son's antigovernment activities and lack of filial respect, by the cynical questioning of a cousin-turned-government agent, and, not least, by his own guilty conscience. Through Chu-ch'ol and his extended family, the author explores the role of the intellectual in modern Korean society and the changing face of the Korean family as tradition gives way to economic growth and social upheaval. Reference : Homa & Sekey Books. "Father and Son", accessed 31 Oct 2023.

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