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[INDONESIA]The K-Book: Beyond the Hallyu Festival in Indonesia scrap download

#Hallyu #K-Book #Indonesia

포스터 제목

Beyond the Hallyu

The K-Book Festival in Indosesia

  • Country


  • Language

    Indonesian(Bahasa Indonesia)인도네시아어

  • Period

    2023-07-01 ~ 2023-09-30

  • Place

    Online: Twitter, Instagram, Twitter Space, Instagram Live, Zoom

About Event

The Indonesia Hallyu Book Festival has a beneficial impact on those who enjoy K-Pop Idols or Korean Artists. Artists that are well-liked by their followers have a passion for reading books, which might pique their fans' interest in the books they read and introduce them to new pastimes. Also as a tool for introducing Korean Literature to K-POP enthusiasts and general readers in Indonesia. This manner, K-Pop fans and Indonesian readers can broaden their knowledge of South Korean literature, which is just as good as literature from other countries!
The Indonesia Hallyu Book Festival is an event organized by several K-Popers book communities, including 17Slibrary, Myday6reads, Staysread, IARC, Bibliobrose, Inimoading, Readersijeuni, and Eajarsreads, to boost reading interest in Indonesian society, particularly among K-Popers. According to CNN Indonesia, Indonesia has the second most K-Pop admirers behind Japan. According to these findings, there is a substantial chance of increasing literacy among K-Popers in Indonesia through the desire for reading books shown by K-Pop Idols, particularly those who read Korean literature.

Calendar of Event

  • 09.08. Fri.


    Learn Korean Through Korean Literature With Taeyang Kulture

  • 09.16. Sat.


    How Does It Feel to Be a K-Popers?

  • 09.30. Sat.


    Talkshow with Korean Author

인도네시아 한류 도서 축제는 17Slibrary, Myday6reads, Staysread, IARC, Bibliobrose, Inimoading, Readersijeuni, Eajarsreads 등 여러 한인 도서 커뮤니티가 주최하는 행사로 인도네시아 커뮤니티, 특히 한류 팬들 사이에서 독서에 대한 관심을 높이기 위한 행사입니다. CNN 인도네시아에 따르면 인도네시아는 일본에 이어 두 번째로 많은 케이팝 팬을 보유하고 있고, 이에 의하면, 특히 한국 문학을 읽는 K-Pop 아이돌들이 보여주는 책을 읽고자 하는 열망을 통해 인도네시아의 K-Pop 팬들 사이에서 문맹률이 줄어들 가능성이 높다고 합니다.

Calendar of Event

  • 09.08. Fri.


    태양 문화와 함께 한국 문학으로 한국어 배우기

  • 09.16. Sat.


    K-팝 팬이 되었을 때의 느낌은 어떤가요?

  • 09.30. Sat.


    한국 작가와의 토크쇼

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