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[ITALY]Book Tour for Author Bo-young Kim in Italy scrap download

#BookTour #Italy #Festival

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Book Tour for Author Bo-young Kim in Italy

Book Tour for Author Bo-young Kim in Italy

  • Country


  • Language


  • Period

    2023-10-28 ~ 2023-11-02

  • Place

    Libreria Feltrinelli Marconi, Roma; Libreria Feltrinelli Piazza Piemonte, Milano:; Lucca Comics and Games, Lucca

About Event

Lucca Comics & Games (founded in 1966) is an international fair dedicated to comics, animation, games and fantasy and science fiction, which takes place in Lucca in Tuscany, in the days between late October and early November. It is considered the most important Italian event in the sector, first in Europe and second in the world, after the Tokyo Comiket.
We believe this title is a great example of sci-fi literature, and offers an enjoyable literary experience and a sharp analysis, bringing the reader to better understand Korean culture and universal issues. Kim Bo-Young is a well-known writer in Korea, and with these events we hope to make the author and her production known to the Italian public as well.

Libreria Feltrinelli, the venue for the event, is one of the most important and well-known bookshop in Italy, hosting every year hundreds of presentations with the most important writer from all over the world.

Calendar of Event

  • 10.29. Sun.


    Libreria Feltrinelli Marconi, Roma

    It will starts at 6.30pm

  • 10.30. Mon.


    Libreria Feltrinelli Piazza Piemonte, Milano

    It will starts at 6.30pm

  • 11.01. Wed.


    Lucca Comics and Games, Lucca

    Conference “From Snowpiercer to On The Origin of The Species”, with Giuliana Misserville, writer, podcast author and sci-fi and fantasy expert

  • 11.02. Thu.


    Lucca Comics and Games, Lucca

    Conference “The fantastic in Korea across film and series”, with Giuliana Misserville

우리는 이 책이 과학 소설 문학의 훌륭한 사례로 여겨지며, 독자에게 유익한 문학적 경험과 날카로운 분석을 제공하여 한국 문화와 보편적인 이슈에 대한 더 나은 이해를 돕는다고 믿습니다. 김보영은 한국의 유명 작가로, 이러한 행사를 통해 그녀의 작품을 이탈리아 대중에게도 알리고자 합니다.

행사가 개최되는 펠트리넬리 서점은 이탈리아에서 가장 중요하고 잘 알려진 서점 중 하나로, 매년 전 세계에서 가장 중요한 작가들과 함께 수백 개의 프레젠테이션을 주최합니다.

Calendar of Event

  • 10.29. Sun.


    Libreria Feltrinelli Marconi, Roma

    6시 30분에 시작될 예정입니다.

  • 10.30. Mon.


    Libreria Feltrinelli Piazza Piemonte, Milano

    6시 30분에 시작될 예정입니다.

  • 11.01. Wed.


    Lucca Comics and Games, Lucca

    작가, 팟캐스트 작가, 공상과학 및 판타지 전문가인 줄리아나 미서빌과 함께하는 컨퍼런스

  • 11.02. Thu.


    Lucca Comics and Games, Lucca

    줄리아나 미서빌과 함께하는

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