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[UNITED STATES]Words Without Borders Announces Second Annual Momentum Grant for Early-Career Translators scrap download

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포스터 제목

Momentum Grant for Early-Career Translators

  • Organization

    Words Without Borders

  • Country


  • Language


  • Period

    2024-01-17 ~ 2024-02-29

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About Event

WWB’s Momentum Grant for Early-Career Translators is intended to facilitate the completion of a substantial sample of a book-length work of prose translation suitable for submission to English-language publishers, and will be awarded to an individual translator who has not yet received a book-length contract for translation work. An excerpt of the winning sample translation will be published in Words Without Borders, and the recipient will receive $3,000.

A great opportunity for translators of Korean and other literatures. 

Submissions are now open for Words Without Borders’ Momentum Grant for Early-Career Translators. 

The grant assists in completing a sample of prose translation suitable for English-language publication. 

Application deadline: February 29. 

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