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    2024-03-16 ~ 2024-03-16

  • Place

    DUN, Umeå Folkets Hus 59 SkolgatanUmeå, Västerbottens län, 903 29, Sweden

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About Event

Littfest is Sweden's largest literary festival with around 20,000 seminar visits and over 150 invited participants during three intensive festival days. The program includes everything from international greats to local gems. Littfest is a coordinated literature festival with unique conversations and meetings. What you meet during Littfest are carefully prepared seminars that follow the festival's theme, artistic ambition or the current social debate. The festival started in 2007 as a small grassroots festival and counter movement against the commercialization of the book industry. The festival was initially run by a number of committed private individuals, and later took the form of a non-profit organization.

One of South Korea's brightest writers, she was awarded the Man Booker Prize in 2016 for her novel The Vegetarian. Just in time for Littfest, Impossible Goodbyes is published, translated by Anders Karlsson and Okkyoung Park. In the novel, the author explores a massacre and relives its ghostly shadows in her dreams among the graves of the dead. The themes of oblivion, memory, dream and history are intertwined and dissolved. At Littfest, Han Kang will participate in a conversation with author and poet Ida Linde. The conversation will be interpreted from Korean to Swedish by Hwan Hee Kim.

* This event/activity has been partially funded by the International Exchange Grants from LTI Korea.,Natur & Kultur and ABF.

Hon är en av Sydkoreas starkast lysande författare, som år 2016 tilldelades det prestigefyllda Man Booker-priset för sin roman Vegetarianen. Lagom till Littfest utkommer Jag tar inte farväl, översatt av Anders Karlsson och Okkyoung Park. I romanen utforskar författaren en massaker och återupplever dess spöklika skuggor i sina drömmar bland de dödas gravar. Teman som glömska, minne, dröm och historia vävs samman och löses upp. På Littfest deltar Han Kang i ett samtal med författaren och poeten Ida Linde. Samtalet tolkas från koreanska till svenska av Hwan Hee Kim. 

Presenteras i samarbete med LTI Korea, Natur & Kultur och ABF.

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