한국문학번역원 로고


얀 디륵스

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Jan Henrik Dirks

  • Language Combinations

    Korean → German

  • Native Language


  • Areas of specialization

    Humanities , Social Sciences , Arts

Translator Bio 번역가 소개Message

Jan Henrik Dirks holds a PhD in Performing Arts from Seoul National University and has been serving as associated professor in the Department of European Languages and Literature at Gachon University and as lecturer at LTI Korea’s Translation Academy since 2010. He has translated many Korean authors such as Kim Ho-yeon, Cho Nam-joo, Sang Young Park, Jang Ryujin, Jung Young Moon, and Ryu Shiva, as well as non-fiction works, and is the winner of the 2015 Daesan Literary Award in the Translation category.

Areas of Interest 관심 분야

Categories Literary Fiction , Poetry , Essay

Authors Cho Nam-joo, Shiva Ryu, Jung Young Moon, Sang Young Park, Kim Ho-yeon

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