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베레아 페레스 알바

베레아 페레스 알바 scrap download

Alba Verea Pérez

  • Language Combinations

    English → Spanish , Korean → Spanish , Korean → Galician

  • Native Language

    Galician Spanish ,

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    트위터 인스타그램

Translator Bio 번역가 소개Message

Translator of Han Kang's "채식주의자" (The Vegetarian) into Galician. Translator of Chung Serang's "영원히 77 사이즈" into Spanish. LTI Korea x Hwarang Editorial 2020 Amateur Translators Contest. Currently studying Comparative Literature in Seoul National University, researching memory and mourning in Spanish and Korean Literature. Working on a Spanish translation of Choi Jin-young's "해가 지는 곳으로" (To the Warm Horizon). Have also translated webtoons.

Areas of Interest 관심 분야

Categories Literary Fiction , Drama , Graphic Novel , Webtoon

Authors Kim Yang-shik, Jeong Bi-seok, Yoo Juhyun, Shin Bong-seung, Jo Gicheon, Kim Songhan, Kim Dongin, Ko, Un, Kim Sowol, Cho Sehee

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