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Lee HyunSu

Lee HyunSu scrap


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Author Bio 작가 소개

Lee HyunSu (1959-) is a South Korean novelist who debuted in 1991 through Chungcheong Daily News with the short story “Geu jaenanui jojimeun songarageseobuteo sijakdoeeotda” (그 재난의 조짐은 손가락에서부터 시작되었다 Signs of the Disaster Started With a Finger), and began writing in earnest in 1997 with the short story “Mareun naldeul saie” (마른 날들 사이에 Between Dry Days), which was published in Munhakdongne. Lee’s novel Sin gisaengdyeon (신 기생뎐 New Tales of Gisaeng) (2005) was adapted into a TV drama, and was translated and published in France, Germany, and Russia. •Novel Toran (토란 Taro) (2003) •Novel Sin gisaengdyeon (신 기생뎐 New Tales of Gisaeng) (2005)

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