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Youn Daisung

Youn Daisung scrap


  • Category

    Drama 희곡

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Author Bio 작가 소개

Youn Daisung (1939-) is a South Korean playwright who debuted in 1967 through the Dong-a Ilbo with the play “Chulbal.” Youn makes use of a wide range of themes, delving strongly into political and social messages. Youn was awarded the Hyundae Munhak Literary Award and the Best Play Prize at the Korea Theater Festival (대한민국 연극제 희곡상). •Play collection Sinhwa 1900 (신화 1900 Myth 1900) (1982) •Play collection Yundaeseong huigokjip (윤대성 희곡집 The Youn Daisung Play Collection) (1990)

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