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Bae Yoo-an

Bae Yoo-an scrap


  • Category

    Literary Fiction 순수소설

  • Target User

    Children 아동

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Author Bio 작가 소개

Bae Yoo-an (1957-) is a South Korean children’s writer. While working as a Korean teacher in middle schools and high schools, Bae published “Yumochareul tan gae” (유모차를 탄 개 The Dog in a Stroller) in the monthly magazine Children’s Garden in 2003 and officially made her literary debut in the same year when she published “Gochujamjarie daehan chueok” (고추잠자리에 대한 추억 The Memory of a Red Dragonfly) in Bulgyo Shinmun. Chojeongni pyeonji (초정리 편지 Chojeong-ri Letter) (2006) Seupeuringbeok (스프링벅 Springbok) (2008)

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