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Four contemporary Korean plays scrap

Four Contemporary Korean Plays


  • Author(s)

    Lee Yountaek이윤택

  • Translator(s)

  • Publisher

    University Press of AmericaUniversity Press of America

  • Country


  • Language


  • Year Published


  • Category

    Drama 희곡

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

Description 작품 소개

South Korean drama has received considerable attention in Europe and Asia, but, until recently, received only scant attention in the United States. This anthology contains early works (1989-1993) by one of Korea's leading theatre artists. These works reflect the nature of Lee Yun Taek's genius, his contributions to contemporary Korean theatre and the socio-political climate in South Korea during the release of his early works. They are indeed "brief chronicles of their time." The plays, Citizen K; O-Gu: A Ceremony of Death; Mask of Fire: Ceremony of Power; and The Dummy Bride: A Ceremony of Love, are a collection that illuminate such polarities as purity/depravity, madness/reason, power/impotence, life/death, and freedom/oppression. These polarities are clearly Korean in form and substance, but their subject matter and motifs are universal. An introductory essay addresses particular aspects of each drama with extensive notes accompanying each play, which include information about Korean society, culture, and history. Reference : University Press of America. "Four contemporary Korean plays", accessed 27 Oct 2023.

Author Bio 작가 소개

South Korean drama has received considerable attention in Europe and Asia, but, until recently, received only scant attention in the United States. This anthology contains early works (1989-1993) by one of Korea's leading theatre artists. These works reflect the nature of Lee Yun Taek's genius, his contributions to contemporary Korean theatre and the socio-political climate in South Korea during the release of his early works. They are indeed "brief chronicles of their time." The plays, Citizen K; O-Gu: A Ceremony of Death; Mask of Fire: Ceremony of Power; and The Dummy Bride: A Ceremony of Love, are a collection that illuminate such polarities as purity/depravity, madness/reason, power/impotence, life/death, and freedom/oppression. These polarities are clearly Korean in form and substance, but their subject matter and motifs are universal. An introductory essay addresses particular aspects of each drama with extensive notes accompanying each play, which include information about Korean society, culture, and history. Reference : University Press of America. "Four contemporary Korean plays", accessed 27 Oct 2023.

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