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No Flower Blooms Without Wavering

No Flower Blooms Without Wavering scrap

흔들리며 피는 꽃

  • Author

    Do Jonghwan도종환

  • Publisher

    Munhakdongne Publishing Corp.문학동네

  • Year Published


  • Category


  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

This poetry collection by Do Jong-Hwan containing 80 poems was published in 2012. An earlier edition was published in 1994 under the title Flowers Fall in a Village of People. The title poem, “No Flower Blooms Without Wavering,” overlays human lives with ordinary scenes from nature in an attempt to rally the human spirit in the face of pain, sorrow, and rootlessness.

Author Bio 작가 소개

Do has been hailed for his use of simple, unadorned language in lyrical tributes to love and sorrow, underlined by an integrity informed by historical awareness. He emerged as a literary sensation with his second collection, Jeopsikkot dangsin, written in part as a tribute to his deceased wife who reminded him of hollyhocks.

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