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There's no need to be loved by everyone(Tentative name)

There's no need to be loved by everyone(Tentative name) scrap

모든 사람에게 사랑받을 필요는 없다

  • Author

    Lee Pyeong이평

  • Publisher

    Studio Odr스튜디오오드리

  • Year Published


  • Category

    Essay 수필

  • Target User

    Adult 성인

  • Period

    Contemporary 현대

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Description 작품 소개

In "There's no need to be loved by everyone (Tentative Name)," various aspects of human relationships are explored. This includes ways to rectify or preserve them, as well as how to let go of negative emotions that arise in relationships such as hatred, doubt, jealousy, and the desire for revenge. The book also introduces methods for self-reflection, introspection, and focusing on meaningful relationships.

Author Bio 작가 소개

Lee Pyeong wrote books like "I'm organizing my relationships(Tentative name)" and "Because we were someone's spring(Tentative name)."

Translations 번역서

Translator`s Expectations 기대평

There are no expectations.

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