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[KLN Spring 2023: Essay 1] Community of Memory scrap download

[2023 KLN 봄호: 에세이 1] 기억의 공동체

Korean Literature Now Spring 2023 (Vol.59)

Vol.59 Spring 2023

About Magazine 잡지 소개

Here is an essay on the theme of “Deaths Forgotten, Names Erased.”

Poet Jang Mi-do’s essay “Community of Disaster” sheds light on societal grieving in Korea and how this phenomenon is portrayed in Korean literature.

The following passage is an excerpt from the essay.

"...Speaking about sorrow is like endlessly performing a requiem for the dead. The dead have no words, and thus the burden of language falls to the living. Language fills the place of helpless silence and can also pierce through that quiet like a scream. When pondering over the sort of language needed to speak on behalf of those who cannot, the first language that comes to mind is silence."

"...In the face of social disasters, literature can continue to create stories and continue to not forget. In these stories we have created, in this space called literature, we gladly work together. Literature will always be with us. Through stories, we can endure. So long as we believe in the power of community, we will not forget. We will remember always."

Jang Mi-do began her career as a poet by winning the New Writer’s Award from Literature and Society in 2020. In 2022, her first book was awarded a publication grant from the Seoul Foundation for Arts and Culture.

To view the entire text, please click on the following link:

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