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이주선 scrap download

Sandy Joosun Lee

#YA #Animation #Script #Fiction

  • Language Combinations

    English → Korean , Korean → English

  • Native Language


  • Areas of specialization

    Humanities , Arts

  • Social Media


Translator Bio 번역가 소개Message

Sandy Joosun Lee is the translator of Won-pyung Sohn's Almond (HarperVia, 2020). She received translation grants from the Literary Translation Institute of Korea and the Publication Industry Promotion Agency of Korea. She currently works at an animation studio where she translates and develops animated content.

Areas of Interest 관심 분야

Categories Literary Fiction , Drama , Scenario , Graphic Novel , Webtoon

Authors Kim Yang-shik, Jeong Bi-seok, Yoo Juhyun, Shin Bong-seung, Jo Gicheon, Kim Songhan, Kim Dongin, Ko Un, Kim Sowol, Cho Sehee

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