Language Combinations
Korean → Spanish
Native Language
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Areas of specialization
Humanities , Social Sciences , Arts
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Translator Bio 번역가 소개Message
Álvaro Trigo Maldonado is a Korean-Spanish literary translator and an Adjunct Professor of Korean Studies in the Department of Modern Languages at the University of Salamanca. He holds a PhD. in Modern Languages with a thesis on Modern Korean Literature. In 2017 he won the LTI Korea´s prize for aspiring translators for his Spanish version of Kwon Yeo-sun´s short story "Saminhaeng". Since then he has translated novels by contemporary writers such as Kim Kyeong-uk, Chang Kang-myeoung, Kim Hoon and Kim Aeran among others. At his institution he belongs to the Female Writers and Characters in Literature (EPERFLIT) recognized research group. His main fields of research are Korean literature, history and cinema.
Areas of Interest 관심 분야
Categories Literary Fiction , Graphic Novels , Essay
Authors Kim Yang-shik, Jeong Bi-seok, Yoo Juhyun, Shin Bong-seung, Jo Gicheon, Kim Songhan, Kim Dongin, Ko, Un, Kim Sowol, Cho Sehee