[BELGIUM]Club de lecture coréen - ‘Généalogie du mal’ de JEONG You-jeong
Korean Book Club - “Généalogie du mal”, JEONG You-jeong
2024.09.12. ~ 09.12.
Discover Korean literature and explore its various themes in KCC's monthly Korean Book Club.
For our book meeting in September, we are going to discuss the novel “Généalogie du mal” by JEONG You-jeong.
- Language: French
- Date: Thursday, September 12, 19h00-21h00
- Venue: Korean Cultural Center
- Entrance Free, Application is necessary*
To apply, please send an application e-mail to info@kccbrussels.be with your first name, last name, and telephone number.
[BHUTAN]Drukyul's Literature and Arts Festival
2024.08.03. ~ 08.05.
DLAF 2024 embraces the theme “Enlighten, Evolve, and Evoke.” This theme invites participants to embark on a journey of exploration and personal growth. It encourages a deep reflection on Bhutan's timeless literary and artistic traditions while fostering a spirit of positive transformation and global connection.
For upcoming events related to Korean literature, please click on the Calendar of Events below.
Ticket for Strategizing a Writing/Translating Career in Anglophone Publishing by Anton Hur
* This event/activity has been partially funded by the International Exchange Grants from LTI Korea.
[UNITED KINGDOM]Edinburgh International Book Festival
2024.08.10. ~ 08.25.
Edinburgh International Book Festival's programme themes lead audiences on a journey of discovery through fact, fiction, poetry, personal stories and world affairs.
For upcoming events related to Korean literature, please click on the Calendar of Events below.
Ticket for Anton Hur & Shannon Vallor: The Unexpected Consequences of Progress
Ticket for Anton Hur, R F Kuang & Emily Wilson: Found in Translation
* This event/activity has been partially funded by the International Exchange Grants from LTI Korea.
[SLOVENIA]Dnevi poezije in vina
Days of Poetry and Wine festival
2024.08.19. ~ 08.24.
This year's festival focuses on South Korea. Korean poets Kim Yideum, Choi Young-Mi, Kim Kyung Ju will take part in a Korean-Slovenian translation workshop in the first days of the festival, in the company of their Slovenian colleagues Natalija Milovanović, Tone Škrjanec and Gregor Podlogar, and translator Kang Taehee.
For upcoming events related to Korean literature, please click on the Calendar of Events below.
* This event/activity has been partially funded by the International Exchange Grants from LTI Korea.
[JAPAN]2024年 韓国文学翻訳コンテスト
2024 Korean Literature Translation Contest
2024.07.18. ~ 10.14.
The Osaka Korean Cultural Center and the KPIPA are organizing the 2024 Korean Literature Translation Contest to promote the appeal of Korean literature through translation to Korean language learners.
- Deadline: October 14, 2024 (Mon) (23:59)
- Results announcement: Late November 2024 on the website of the Osaka Korean Cultural Center
- Eligibility: Japanese residents (regardless of nationality or age) who have not published any translated works.
- How to enter: Submit application via Google Form or email
- Contact: korean@k-culture.jp
[UNITED KINGDOM]Korean Literature Night: Another Person
[한국 문학의 밤] 다른 사람
2024.07.17. ~ 07.17.
Korean Cultural Centre UK are delighted to announce an in-person talk with translator Clare Richards about her translated work ‘Another Person’
- Date: 17 July 2024, 6 pm
- Venue: Korean Cultural Centre UK
- Free admission, RSVP Required : https://kccuk.org.uk/en/programmes/korean-literature-nights/another-person/rsvp/2533/
- Live Stream : https://www.youtube.com/live/ujhRzirW8e8
[BRAZIL][CLUBE DO LIVRO] Julho e Agosto de 2024 - Pachinko (Min-Jin Lee)
[북클럽] 7-8월 북클럽 - 파친코
2024.07.17. ~ 08.17.
In order to promote Korean literature translated for Portuguese in Brazil, the Korean Cultural Center announces the opening of registrations for the July and August meetings of its book club. The meetings are held monthly at the institution with the mediation of Luara França. Participants will have the opportunity to share their impressions of the books and gain new perspectives on them.
CCCB BOOK CLUB – July and August Meetings
- Date & Time:
Group A: 17/07, 14/08 (Wed), from 19:30 pm to 21:00 pm
Group B: 20/07, 17/08 (Sat), from 15:00 to 16:30
- Address: Avenida Paulista, 460. Ground floor. Bela Vista, São Paulo – SP.
- Application period: June 13 to June 17
- Vacancies: 15 people per group (in order of registration in the form)
- Requirements: over 15 years old
- Admission: Free (upon registration through the Google form)
[JAPAN]詩人パク・ジュン ポエトリーツアー開催
Poet Park Joon Poetry Tour
2024.08.04. ~
Talk by Park Jun (poet) and Kei Ishimatsu poet)
August 1, 19:00-20:30
- Venue: Ajiro bookstore (3-6-8-1B Tenjin, Fukuoka City, Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan)
- How to participate: On-site participation / live-streaming
- Ticket: 1650 yen at the venue (student discount 1100 yen), 1100 yen online
- Registration: (Ticket for on-site participation) https://ajirobooks.stores.jp/items/668ce4a409d630094a49158f
(Ticket to watch streaming) https://ajirobooks.stores.jp/items/668ce897cac6f9003f72c001
Talk by Park Jun (poet) & Aoi Shibata (poet)
August 3, 18:00-19:30
- Venue: CHEKCCORI (Sankodo Bldg. 3F, 1-7-3 Kanda Jimbocho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo)
- How to participate: On-site participation/live-streaming (both with 1 month archive)
- Ticket: 1650 yen.
- Registration: https://chekccori240803.peatix.com/
Korea-Japan Poetry Talk: Park Jun (Poet) x Okano Daishi (Poet)
August 4, 15:00-16:30
- Moderator: Amiko Enami (Book Reviewer)
- Venue: Nuri Hall, Osaka Korean Cultural Center (4F, 2-4-2 Nakazaki, Kita-ku, Osaka)
- How to participate: On-site participation
- Ticket: Free *Registration in advance and by lottery (application deadline: July 21)
- Application: https://k-culture.jp/info_news_view.php?number=2769
* This event/activity has been partially funded by the International Exchange Grants from LTI Korea.
[GERMANY]25th poesiefestival berlin
제25회 베를린 시 축제
2024.07.04. ~ 07.21.
The 25th poesiefestival berlin takes place from July 4 – 21, 2024 at silent green Kulturquartier.
- Date: July 4 - 21, 2024
- Venue: silent green Kulturquartier in Berlin
For upcoming events related to Korean literature, please click on the Calendar of Events below.
- TICKETS – POETRY TALK: HWANG YUWON & KIM HYUN (https://literatur-berlin.tickettoaster.de/produkte/3356-tickets-poesiegespraech-hwang-yuwon-kim-hyun-silent-green-kulturquartier-berlin-am-19-07-2024)
* This event/activity has been partially funded by the International Exchange Grants from LTI Korea.
[UNITED STATES]APALA Local Arrangements Friday Tour
APALA 금요 문학 투어 행사
2024.06.27. ~ 07.02.
Date: Friday, June 28, 2024
Time: Meet at the Mingei at 10:45 AM. Tour begins at 11 a.m. and will end between 12PM – 12:30PM.
Location: Mingei International Museum, Balboa Park. 1439 El Prado, San Diego, CA 92101
Cost: $10. The cost of a ticket includes admission to the Mingei Museum and an Uber voucher to cover transportation to the museum.
Registration: Registration is required and limited to APALA Members. Due to limited capacity, registration is limited to 30 individuals.
Lunch: Choose your own lunch adventure! Balboa Park offers several options for lunch:
* This event/activity has been partially funded by the International Exchange Grants from LTI Korea.